“Your parents are the first memo to come across your desk, on a page so large you can’t see past its edges.”
-Jonathan Lethem
diane ackerman on the brain and love in the nyt
“Love is the best school, but the tuition is high and the homework can be painful.”
facebook vs. emotional closure in the NYT
“There’s one person who keeps coming around in the People You May Know box on Facebook where just the suggestion of this person changes my whole day,” said Pam Houston, a novelist. “It’s essential to my well-being to create the illusion that this person doesn’t exist.”
your mothers soothing voice doesn’t translate on instant message reports wired
“it doesn’t matter how many smiley faces you put in your IM. It’s not going to have the same effect as talking in person.”
attachment, parents, and a kindergartner’s first school bus ride in the washington post
“As far as I’m concerned, the Miniature Hero of Bus 1112 can have my daughter’s hand in marriage.”