rebecca solnit on our homes : cultivating a sanctuary or an image? (brainpickings):“Artists have a different relation to the material, since, after all, the main animosity toward the realm of substances and solid objects is that they distract from t…

rebecca solnit on our homes : cultivating a sanctuary or an image? (brainpickings):

“Artists have a different relation to the material, since, after all, the main animosity toward the realm of substances and solid objects is that they distract from the life of the mind or spirit; but it’s the job of artists to find out how materials and images speak, to make the mute material world come to life, and this too undoes the divide. Words of gold, of paint, of velvet, of steel, the speaking shapes and signs that we learn to read, the intelligence of objects set free to communicate and to teach us that all things communicate, that a spoon has something to say about values, as does a shoe rack or a nice ornamental border of tulips or freesias. But just as passion can become whoredom, a home becomes real estate, so the speaking possibility of the material world can degenerate into chatter and pitches… Desire is easy. And everywhere.”

